

医学博士,博士后在读,硕士研究生导师,副主任医师。任辽宁省医学会呼吸分会肿瘤学组副组长,辽宁医师协会VTE防治专委会委员,东北呼吸与危重症医学专业委员会委员,获评大连市三八红旗手,主持省科技厅课题1项,省教育厅课题1项、大连市科技局科技惠民课题1项,参与国自然面上项目2项,发表SCI论文9篇,累积影响因子38.5分,其中中科院一区1篇,JCR一区3篇,IF>6分3篇 (2)研究方向:基于人工智能的肺部感染性疾病的诊治,肺纤维化精准模型,肺癌精准模型应用研究 (3)在研项目: 1. 基于深度计算模型的呼吸系统感染性疾病的精准诊疗模型应用研究,辽宁省教育厅,2020年7月-2022年6月,主持。 2. 基于人工智能的肺部感染性疾病的特征提取与验证,大连市科技局科技惠民,2021年7月-2023年6月,主持。 3.RNA剪接因子U2AF1突变上调SLC7A11表达促进肺腺癌发生发展的分子机制研究,国自然基金面上项目,2022年1月-2025年12月,参与,第二位。 (4) 1.Zhuo Liu(第一作者), Taihua Wu. Deep reinforcement learning with its application for lung cancer detection in medical Internet of Things. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019, 97, 1-9.(IF 7.2 JCR 1区) 2. Zhuo Liu (第一作者), Taihua Wu. An Adaptive Deep Learning Model to Differentiate Syndromes of Infectious Fever in Smart Medicine.. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020,111,853-858(IF 7.2 JCR 1区) 3. Zhuo Liu (第一作者), Hong Yuan.Second Generation Sequencing with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Lung Infection Detection. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2020,10(1155):0-3264801.(IF 2.6) 4. Zhuo Liu (第一作者), Yanxia Li. New acrylamide-substituted quinazoline derivatives with enhanced potency for the treatment of EGFR T790M-mutant non-small-cell lung cancers. Bioorg Chemistry. 2018,77, 593-599. (IF 4.81) 5. Zhuo Liu (第一作者),Hong Yuan; A GPU-Based Residual Network for Medical Image Classification in Smart Medicine, information sciences. 2020,536,91-100.(IF 6.7 JCR 1区 中科院1区) 6.Liang zhao,Zhuo Liu (通讯作者); Multi-View Robust Feature Learning for Data Clustering. IEEE Signal Processing letters,2020,27,1750-1754. (IF 3.1) 7.Jingyuan zhao ,Zhuo Liu (通讯作者); Research Based on Multimodal Deep Feature Fusion for the Auxiliary Diagnosis Model of Infectious Respiratory Diseases . Scientific Programming,2021,22,272-278. (IF 1.1) 8. Qixuan Sun, Zhuo Liu (通讯作者) HybridCTrm: Bridging CNN and Transformer for Multimodal Brain Image Segmentation. Journal of Healthcare Engineering,ACCEPT, (IF 2.6) (5)内科学,呼吸与危重症方向 联系方式:lzhuo0310@126.com